Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

sosiologi bab dinamika masyarakat


Anggota :
-                  Achmady Sophiaan        (02/XI S2)
-                  Iftakh Nurlatifah             (16/XI S2)
-                  Priska Mariana               (21/XI S2)
-                  Rusmiyati                        (24/XI S2)


kebersamaan itu wauw sekali....

kebersamaan itu wauw sekali....

Arti dari kebersamaan itu sendiri apa? kalo menurut KBBI (kamus besar bahasa Indonesia) kebersamaan adalah hal bersama. kalo menurut aku tu kebersamaan itu tu, keadaan dimana kita saling merasakan duka maupun sukanya.

1. kalau teman-teman kita sedang galau apa yang harus kita lakukan?

  • kalo temen kita sedang galau, usahain dia, yakinkan dia dan semangati dia untuk move on.
  • sugestikan "dulu ya dulu, sekarang ya sekarang!"
  • kalo dia bener2 galau tingkat dewa *kata orang alay, biarkan dia sendiri dulu, bukan berarti kita tidak peduli tapi dengan cara ini kita dapat memberi waktu dia untuk menyendiri.

Candi Singhasari (Singhasari)

Candi Singhasari (Singhasari)

Photo: Candi Singhasari (Singhasari)

Singhasari Temple or Temple is a Hindu temple Singosari - Buddhist heritage Singhasari kingdom located in the village of Candirenggo, Singosari, Malang regency, East Java, Indonesia.
Ways of making this Singhasari temple with stone andhesit stacking system to a certain height then referred to the carving out of the new top down to the bottom.

Intan (Admin Indonesia)
LIKE and JOIN US: TIP - Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines

Singhasari Temple or Temple is a Hindu temple Singosari - Buddhist heritage Singhasari kingdom located in the village of Candirenggo, Singosari, Malang regency, East Java, Indonesia.
Ways of making this Singhasari temple with stone andhesit stacking system to a certain height then referred to the carving out of the new top down to the bottom.

Intan (Admin Indonesia)

Candi Jawi

Candi Jawi

Photo: LIKE and JOIN US: TIP - Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines

There are two types of Candi (temple) in Indonesia. Buddhist candi, which was constructed horizontally, used as a place of worship. While Hindu candi, which was constructed vertically, has two separate function: 
1. As a religious place
2. As a resting place of king's ashes at the past time.

Photo: Candi Jawi, the resting place for ashes of King Kertanegara, the last king of Singasari Kingdom. Located in Malang, East Java Province.

(Rizki, Indonesian admin)

Rabu, 06 Februari 2013

pesona selat Bali

Keindahan pelabuhan gilimanuk, selat bali. saya mengambil foto ini dari study tour bersama teman-teman SMA N 1 GODEAN. 

Thai, The Philippines and Indonesian Flag

Flag of the Republic of Indonesia

The national flag of Indonesia, which is known as Sang Saka Merah-Putih ("The Sacred Red-and-White") or Bendera Merah-Putih ("The Red-and-White Flag") or simply Merah-Putih ("The Red-and-White"), or sometimes referred to as Sang Dwiwarna ("The Bicolor") in Indonesian is based on the banner of the 13th century Majapahit Empire in East Java. The flag itself was introduced and hoisted in public at the Indonesian Independence Day ceremony, on 17 August 1945. The design of the flag has remained the same ever since.
The design of the flag is simple with two equal horizontal bands, red (top) and white (bottom) with an overall ratio of 2:3. The flag is

my 1st post

ini merupakan postingan pertama saya di blog saya. gambar anime di atas merupakan hasil karya saya, sebelum saya posting ni gambar di blog saya, saya udah ngepost ni gambar di page http://www.facebook.com/Thailand.Indonesia.Philippines?ref=hl tolong di like ya page ini ^^